Meat Naturally is a critical link between Africa's small-scale farmers and commercial meat buyers, between NGOs and rural economic development, between economic and ecological enhancement, and between traditional farming methods and new market opportunities. We are providing the farming community with the knowledge and tools to break down former economic barriers, while motivating them to invest in restoring Africa's rangelands and wetlands.
Meat Naturally provides EcoRanger training for small, rural farmers in Southern Africa. Herders learn proven techniques for regenerative grazing, cattle management, stock theft patrol, and predator control. Through our collaboration with local NGOs, farmers now have access to bulk purchasing power, vaccinations, tagging services and much more. In short, emerging farmers can now provide high quality meats and compete with commercial farmers.
Through the Meat Naturally Conservation Agreement, we have developed a sustainable model where livestock farmers are trained and then required to implement environmentally-friendly grazing plans and techniques, assist in erosion control and clearing of invasive plant species, thereby restoring Africa’s rangelands and wetlands. Our farmers have become stewards of the continent’s environment, as well as, an emerging source of rural economic development.
Meat Naturally is creating an economic opportunity and sustainable livelihood for emerging farmers, linking small-scale independent farmers with commerial buyers of meat products. By organizing and managing both mobile auctions and abattoirs, farmers now have the power to sell meat to markets and buyers formerly unaccessable. Buyers can now have confidence in the meat quality as we work with farmers to meet production and health standards.
The natural beauty of our sustainable model is that it creates balance between rural economic development and ecological management and restoration. One is not exclusive of the other. Instead, livelihoods of the farming community are dependent upon a robust environment. And now thanks to Meat Naturally, a healthy environment is looking to farmers who are equally focused on growing market opportunities as they are on growing healthy rangelands.
Visit our Services page and learn more about how we have established the standard for healthy livestock, buyer confidence and rangeland restoration.
Read MoreMeat Naturally collaborates with NGOs to deliver economic and environmental prosperity to local communities and emerging farmers. We partner with organizations, providing technical expertise, tools and resources for sustainable farming and rangeland restoration. Our services include grazing plans and mapping, formal training for livestock farmers, vaccinations, tagging, and community-based market access reaching new buyers for rural farmers.
Visit our NGO Partnership page and learn more about our consulting services and technical assistance.
Read MoreContact us today to learn more about our EcoRanger training, grazing planning, vaccinations and more
Our mission is education-centric - We are a knowledge base for NGOs, farmers, communities and anyone interested in revitalizing Africa’s rangelands. We encourage you to review our educational materials and enlist our technical expertise.
Visit our Resources page where we have a host of materials, fact sheets and “how-to” information.